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Margot Hodes considers it a privilege to play a small role in each expectant family’s big journey into parenthood.

She is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) Certified Cooperative Childbirth Educator (CCCE), Full Spectrum Doula and Certified Health Education Specialist. She received her Ed.D. in Health Education from Teachers College, Columbia University and taught as an adjunct faculty member there for many years. She also has her Masters in Counseling from New York University and has worked in schools, community health centers and other non-profit agencies with parents, families and adolescents toward their goals of achieving healthier living. Margot is a board member of NYLCA (New York Lactation Consultant Association) as well as CEA/MNY (the Childbirth Education Association of Metropolitan New York) and volunteers her time for The Doula Project.

When she’s not doing home visits for lactation support or teaching classes, Margot enjoys yoga, watching documentaries, and discovering the ever- expanding variety of food options on the Lower East Side, where she lives with her husband and two sons. She is also a reluctant Star Trek fan.

All families need to nurture their babies, but new parents need nurture too. There is often a mixture of excitement and anxiety about becoming a parent or adding a new member to your family. Margot can work with you before your baby arrives to help get you off to the best start with lactation and/or birth. Sometimes breastfeeding goes off without a hitch and both parents and babies are experiencing a blissful breastfeeding relationship. But…it’s also common for parents to find they need support, especially in the early days and weeks when they and their baby are learning the ropes. It’s also not uncommon to run into challenges later on, for example when you return to work, your baby is teething, introducing complementary foods, planning future pregnancy etc. Margot can help you throughout your pregnancy and breastfeeding experience so that you meet whatever your goals are for you and your family.